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LIBREVILLE, Gabon (PAMACC News) - Ahead of the writing of the Paris rulebook and preparations for the 2018 Facilitative Dialogue, Major Groups attending this year’s Pre-AMCEN sessions have called on African governments to take stock of the current status of implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and identify barriers that need to be addressed with a view to enhancing ambition beyond what currently exists as NDCs. Speaking at the African civil society workshop heralding the 16th session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment in Libreville, Gabon, Sam Ogallah of the Pan African Justice Alliance (PACJA) stressed the need for the 2018 Facilitative Dialogue (FD2018) to specifically highlight potential opportunities where countries can increase their ambition. “The FD2018 process, should as matter of priority recognize that collective ambition in current NDCs remains inadequate to pursue effort to limit warming to 1.5°C or 2°C. It should enhance ambition and commitment from Parties to make new pledges and submit updated or new NDCs ahead of 2020 which should be sufficiently ambitious to close the emission gap, and identify what further work is needed to enable countries to enhance their ambition, especially in countries with lower capabilities” he said. According to Ogallah, “African leaders must use the FD2018 to leverage lessons and best practices, in identifying ways to overcome barriers and opportunities to enhance the enabling environment, and engage in win-win climate and sustainable actions for Africa.” Robert Chimambo of the Zambian Climate Change Network (ZCCN) believes that the facilitative dialogue provides “a veritable opportunity to collectively look into options on how current NDCs can be revised and new ambition generated to strengthen individual Parties’ contributions by 2020.” Chimambo called on African ministers and negotiators to identify ways in which Parties could implement climate action in areas not covered by their NDC or surpass the ambition level outlined therein while exploring ways of fast-tracking the implementation of NDCs and the Sustainable Development Goals. Many of the stakeholders who addressed the workshop urged African leaders, mayors, negotiators, private sectors, and other non-state actors to engage fully into the 2018 Facilitative Dialogue, and lead or champion specific actions and initiatives in various sectors.They also called for the inclusion of non-Party stakeholders who are always at the front-lines of implementation in the facilitative dialogue’s examination of barriers and opportunities for greater ambition. According to the African Major Groups, action from non-state actors can contribute to the achievement of NDCs, and can also increase their level of ambition. 2018 Facilitative Dialogue The Conference of the Parties (COP) at its 21st session in Paris decided to conduct a Facilitative Dialogue in conjunction with the 22nd session of the COP to assess the progress in implementing certain COP decisions. These decisions border on identifying relevant opportunities to enhance the provision of financial resources, including for technology development and transfer, and capacity-building support, with a view to identifying ways to enhance the ambition of mitigation efforts by all Parties, including identifying relevant opportunities to enhance the provision and…
LIBREVILLE, Gabon (PAMACC News) - African Civil Society Organisations on climate have started talks ahead of the 16th session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) scheduled for 12th to 16th of June 2017 in in Libreville, Gabon, with main focus on the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063. Organised by the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) in collaboration with the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Government of Gabon, the workshop is being attended by civil society groups from the five sub-regions of Africa.The workshop aspires to provide an avenue for non-state actors in Africa to interrogate emerging global perspectives and actions on climate change and the implications of the Paris Agreement for Africa as well as the SDGs and Africa's Agenda 2063.According to Sam Ogallah of PACJA, "African civil society groups under the umbrella of PACJA have vigorously engaged with different stakeholders on the urgent need to take forward and internationalise the Paris Agreement, implementation of the African Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Africa's Agenda 2063."These engagements according to him, are in recognition of civil society's role in informing processes and influencing decisions taken by UNFCCC parties and African member states with a view to driving the implementation of the Paris Agreement."The Pre-AMCEN workshop offers us an opportunity to urge African governments to forge ahead with the implementation of the Paris Agreement regardless of United States' exit from agreement as well as deepen our engagements with regards to the African Policy Dialogue on Climate Change, High Level Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Energy and Energy Access, African Parliamentary Roundtable on Climate Policy and Legislation, and the African Regional Post-COP22 Consultative Forum," Ogallah added.The AMCEN ProcessThis year's AMCEN meeting comes after the 15th Session of AMCEN in Cairo, Egypt March 2016; the UNFCCC–COP22 which held in Marrakech, Morocco in November 2016 and the just concluded UNFCCC-Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB46) which held in Bonn, May 2017. The meeting provides an opportunity for African Governments, represented by 55 African Ministers of Environment, to discuss challenges of the implementation of SDGs and Africa Agenda 2063 and a regional stocktaking of their performance at UNFCCC-COP22 and Bonn SB46 on the implementation of the Paris Agreement.Other key focus at this meeting will be on the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI), Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) and other issues closely related with the Paris Agreement which came into force on the 4th of November 2016.The 2017 Pre-AMCEN Consultative workshop will be held alongside the UNEP Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum ahead of the main 16th Session of AMCEN on 10th -11th June, 2017.Hosting the African civil society workshop at the sidelines of the AMCEN meeting is a recognition of the need to strengthen non-state actors analysis and contributions to respond in a timely and resolute manner to these key issues, focusing in particular on the role they expected to play in influencing governments, African Group of Negotiators (AGN) and related inter-governmental institutions…
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (PAMACC News) – Science is essential to adapting to climate change, but indigenous knowledge systems can complement the wide use of climate information services (CIS), researchers say.Only by complementing scientific facts with indigenous knowledge upon which generations of communities have relied on to understand and manage the risk of changes in the climate and weather patterns, can Africa alter its narrative on climate information services, researchers highlighted this during discussions at conference on knowledge management hosted recently by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in the Ethiopian capital.While science has been relied on for facts and figures on climate change impacts, the cultural and social understanding of the weather patterns provides a wealth of knowledge that can best inform development plans. Africa has experienced negative impact of climate change.The Paris Agreement The Paris Agreement, which went into force in November 2016 following ratification by 55 countries and by countries representing at least 55 percent of global emissions, offered new hope to reduce global emissions. However, critical debate on the impediments to climate change efforts is missing because Africa is not widely using information on climate services, said James Murombedzi, Coordinator of the African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) under UNECA.Murombedzi said the lack of climate data and capacity to process available data on climate change has meant that climate information services remain peripheral to development strategy in Africa. He said there is need to popularize CIS products and their use through clear knowledge management and communication strategies.“Knowledge management is a key activity in the integration of climate information services and we need to improve the understanding of CIS in the political circles for effective policy formulation and implementation,” Murombedzi said. Murombedzi said Africa’s increasingly variable weather and climate threatens its development. Weather related shocks demand effective use and sharing of climate information and indigenous knowledge was a strategic tool in adaptation to climate change. Researchers are agreed that indigenous knowledge systems can reinforce the current knowledge base on climate change and provide sustainable solutions within communities where resilience has been deeply rooted in the lifestyle. Indigenous knowledge, defined by the United Nations Educational and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) as the ‘local knowledge that is unique to a culture or society which is passed from generation to generation, usually by word of mouth and cultural rituals, can help build resilience against climate change risks and promote sustainable development. IKS have for generations, been used as the basis for agriculture, conservation, food preparation, health and education that ensure the well-being of communities.Professor Joseph Matowanyika, Director of the Institute of Life Long Learning and Development Studies at the Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT), said indigenous knowledge systems need to be incorporated into development planning, noting that Africa has structural challenges in adequately using information that is available on climate issues.“We do fail to fully utilize information in many other spheres of our livelihoods and economies," Prof. Matowanyika said. “Could it be that most of the information is not generated by…
YAOUNDÉ, Cameroon (PAMACC News) - The decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement signals that the Trump Administration is in total discord with both reality and the rest of the world,a press release from Climate Action states.Civil society actors have been reacting to news of the withdrawal and are unanimous that the first to suffer from the injudicious decision is the American people. "This action is totally contrary to their best interests: their health, security, food supply, jobs and future," the release states. By turning its back on climate action, the Trump administration burdens the American people with rising costs and risks from pollution, environmental degradation and lost opportunities in a low-carbon economy and renewable energy jobs. None of this will make America great, in any way.The overwhelming show of support from the international community in the past weeks, defending the Paris Accord, is a reminder that the world is wasting no time on laggards when it comes to climate action.“Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement is an act of global environmental vandalism that has the potential to do great harm to current and future generations. Even without the US as a party, Paris still represents our best chance of avoiding severe and destabilising climate change. The rest of the world must continue to build on Paris to speed the transition to a cleaner, lower-carbon world. The direction of travel is clear, and climate action will continue globally and within the US, as states and businesses continue to drive progress. In the meantime the commitment of the UK, the EU and other leading nations is more important than ever,” says Jonathan Church, lawyer, ClientEarth"As global temperatures hit record high every year now, the world is rightfully outraged by the decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement. We welcome the strong statements from all other world leaders that their countries will not withdraw their commitments, goals, policies and actions related to climate change. Unlike the view of the current US administration, countries all over the world see the Paris Agreement as an engine for growth and jobs.The EU is already strengthening its alliances with countries like China and Canada, as well as those most affected by climate change. The EU needs to step up its game now, to trigger more climate action and smooth the way for scaling up the Paris climate pledges, " points out Wendel Trio, Director, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe .For Catherine Abreu, Executive Director, Climate Action Network,Canada has quickly established a track record of collaborating and working across differences to launch coherent climate strategies. Now is the moment for Canada to take that to the next level, and emerge on the world stage as a bold climate leader. "Trump may be ready to abandon the benefits associated with climate action, including improved air quality and human health, job creation in emerging industries, and international influence. Yet it is clear that American states, communities, and businesses are not…