By Protus Onyango
NAIROBI, Kenya (PAMACC News) - Calls for paradigm shift, a united approach, more funding and ratification of the Paris Agreement to tackle global environmental degradation dominated the high-level session of the UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA 2) yesterday.

Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta while officially opening the high-level segment attended by ministers and high-level representatives of over 170 governments, stressed the need for partnerships to address effects of climate change.

"For the past two decades, we have seen a movement emerge across the world that protecting the environment cannot be a tertiary matter. We must make sacrifices now to leave our children a viable tomorrow," Uhuru said.

The President noted that with African countries dependent on agriculture to tackle poverty and unemployment, the continent has more to lose if it acts to conserve the environment and most to gain by mitigating climate change challenges.

"Africa must prioritize environment matters and be supported to achieve its goals towards sustainable development. We have to work together to accelerate environmental management so that we win as a team or all of us lose," Uhuru said.

He noted that as a country Kenya is at the forefront of ensuring sustainable growth and called on the world to help it in its efforts to conserve the environment.

"We have taken steps to ensure a sustainable planet. We have invested in renewable energy in wind, geothermal and sun to power our activities. We have adopted a green economy strategy. We call upon our partners to support us in our endeavours to make the world a better place to live in," the President said.

He reiterated Kenya's commitment against poaching and illegal trade in wildlife products.

"In April, we held the Giants Summit here and went forth to burn ivory from 8000 elephants and 100 rhinos. This showed the world that ivory is worthless unless it is on the elephants," Uhuru said.

As a follow up to the ivory burn, the President urged the world to back the country's call for a total ban on illegal ivory trade.

"Later this year, my government will in South Africa during the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) conference seek for a total ban on ivory trade," Uhuru said.

He promised that Kenya will support actionable outcomes agreed upon at the conference and continue supporting UNEP to execute its mandate to preserve the environment.

Jan Eliasson –UN Deputy Secretary General who represented Secretary General Ban Ki Moon echoed Uhuru's sentiments for a universal approach to mitigate against effects of environmental erosion.

"I am inspired to be here among UNEA member states because decisions made here will impact on the future generations to come," Eliasson said.

The Deputy Secretary General called for a more comprehensive, clear and decisive action plan to tackle environment matters.

"We need to safeguard the world and in turn make peace for the world. In 2015, we signed the Paris Agreement for climate change and now we have the sustainable development goals (SGDs). We now need a transformative agenda to tackle water, sanitation, climate change and human settlement," Eliasson said.

He added, "We need courage, foresight and wisdom to address devastating impacts of climate change. Let us have an integrated approach to build peace and security, build resilience, address conflicts before they reach tipping points," he said.

He called for partnerships so as to be able to address climate change.

"We need to revitalize global partnerships to address the challenges for global growth. 2016 is more demanding as we need to translate environment issues into national and international agenda and deliver a sustainable future to our children," Eliasson said.

Achim Steiner – the outgoing UNEP Executive Director urged delegates to dialogue and come up with concrete agreements to foster the environment agenda.

"I have been at the helm of UNEP for ten years. I am happy with my achievements. I leave when we now have a global voice through UNEA on environment," Steiner said.

He added, "We need a new era for environmental governance. I cite the Kenyan proverb that says 'Baba yangu alinifunza kutunza mazingira ndipo dunia iwe nzuri (My father taught me to protect the environment so that the world becomes a good bless to live in) as my challenge to the world.

France's Environment Minister Ségolène Royal who was the Conference of Parties (COP21) president which was held in her country last year called for implementation of the Paris Agreement.

"I urge governments to implement the Paris Agreement to address climate change as it gives rise to conflicts, war, poverty, drought, access to water, desertification and human and animal migration," Ms Royal said.

She noted that if climate change is not tackled now, millions of people will be forced to migrate to better zones and accelerate conflicts.

"So far, 50 nations have ratified the Paris Agreement including 14 most vulnerable ones. This meeting offers us an opportunity of a lifetime to work together with scientists who discovered that human activities are responsible for climate change and disasters," Ms Royal said.

She added, "We need money to do this. We have mobilised US 60 billion dollars of the US 100 billion dollars committed by the international community towards climate change activities. We need to act without greed to stop destruction of the environment."

She promised Kenya for her efforts in conservation. "I was here when President Uhuru burnt ivory and rhino horns. I promised to ban trade in wildlife products in France. I have already signed a ministerial order for this. I urge others to follow suit so that we save our animals," Ms Royal said.

Salaheddine Mezouar, Morocco's Minister of Foreign Affairs and COP 22 president called for more funding to enable countries carry out climate change mitigation projects.

"We need dynamic renewal in Africa. We need a paradigm shift and work in solidarity, commitment and determination. We need a new civilisation, a new world mindset that shares resources equitably. We should act as a team because this is a global problem," Mezouar noted.

He called for a collaborative effort towards achieving SDGs.

"As hosts for COP 22 in December, we want to start something new. We need a conviction to move away from promises to actions. Let us work together with governments, civil society and private sector to have a one-stop-shop for financing climate change activities," Mezouar said.

Dr Edgar Gutierrez,the incoming president of UNEA called for ambitious decisions to save the world from further degradation.

"It is time for a new world order, more coherence and coordination in the UN system and clarity for sustainable development. UNEA 2 offers us a chance to agree on steps to transform the world," said Minister of Environment for Costa Rica.

He added, "We need a new world alliance that is inclusive to share economic aspects, scientific knowledge and technology to save the world."

Solheim pledges to tackle major environmental issues such as ocean and air pollution, climate change, and nexus between conflict, migration and the environment

NAIROBI, Kenya (PAMACC News) - Erik Solheim, a former Minister of Environment and International Development in Norway has began his tenure as Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme, with the concurrent position of UN Under-Secretary-General. Mr. Solheim assumes his new role as chief of the global authority on the environment after three years as head of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

In taking up office, Solheim pledged to work with countries around the world to tackle some of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, including ocean and air pollution, the destruction of ecosystems, climate change and the relationship between the environment and conflict and migration.

He also promised to focus on environment issues close to people, such as damage to human health from air pollution.

Solheim said, "There is an urgent need to fight climate change, halt ecosystem destruction, and reduce pollution for the benefit of all peoples everywhere. By protecting our planet, we protect ourselves and in the process can help bring every last person out of poverty. We all have a stake in a healthy planet."

He noted other urgent areas to address include the private sector investment needed for sustainable development, greening the finance sector and creating jobs and markets with clean and green technologies.

"Financing the preservation and rejuvenation of our planet cannot be the purview of governments alone. Private sector finance is both vital for sustainable development, and an opportunity for business. As never before, markets are rewarding investments in clean and green jobs and technologies."

Solheim also underlined that issues like climate change and sustainable development are issues that no one country or organization can solve themselves, and that the world must come together to tackle environmental challenges.

"With successes like the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, the world has achieved a lot in recent years when it comes to the environment. We can achieve a lot more. But the only way to do this is by working cooperatively. I look forward to working with member states and welcoming voices and efforts from all parts of society to tackle our common challenges.

"Our planet is vulnerable, but I'm optimistic we can resolve the environmental problems we face. There's little we can't achieve when we pull together with cooperation, collaboration and a can-do attitude."

Solheim arrives after having served as Chair of the DAC of the OECD since 2013. Since that time, he has also served as UN Environment Programme's Special Envoy for Environment, Conflict and Disaster. Known as the 'green' politician, he held the combined portfolio of Norway's Minister of the Environment and International Development from 2007 to 2012, and served as Minister of International Development from 2005 to 2007.

Having spent most of his career fighting for the environment in national and global politics, including through non-governmental organizations and during his combined ministerial portfolio, Mr. Solheim has focused on the challenge of integrating environmental and developmental issues. During his ministerial tenure, Norway reached 1 per cent of its GDP for overseas development assistance and passed the unique Nature Diversity Act. He initiated the process leading to the global coalition to conserve and promote sustainable use of the world's rainforests - the UN REDD - gaining invaluable diplomatic and organizational experience.

Holding an undergraduate degree in history and social studies from the University of Oslo, Mr. Solheim has received several awards for his work on climate and environment, including UN Environment Programme's "Champion of the Earth" award, and contributed to a number of peace and reconciliation efforts, most notably as the chief negotiator of the peace process in Sri Lanka.

Born in 1955, he is married, with four children.

Par Kané Illa
Le samedi 18 juin dernier, le Centre de presse de la station régionale de l’ORTN (Office de Radiodiffusion et Télévision du Niger) de Dosso, à 150 kilomètres à l’est de Niamey, a servi de cadre à un atelier de formation des animateurs des radios communautaires des régions de Dosso, Niamey et Tillabéry sur les changements climatiques.

Cet atelier a été organisé par le Réseau des Journalistes pour un Environnement Sain (RJES), dans le cadre de son projet «Conscientiser les populations rurales du Niger sur les changements climatiques, à travers les radios communautaires», financé par l’Ambassade de France au Niger à travers le Fonds d’Appui à la Société Civile du Sud (FASCS).

Lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture de l’atelier, le Coordonnateur national du RJES, M. Illa Kané, a précisé que le projet en question vise à outiller les animateurs des radios communautaires sur les questions des changements climatiques pour qu’à leur tour ils puissent sensibiliser les populations rurales sur les effets néfastes de ces changements climatiques et les mesures d’adaptation qu’elles doivent prendre pour y faire face.

Le Coordonnateur du RJES a ajouté qu’en plus des ateliers, le projet comporte aussi l’élaboration, en français et dans les différentes langues nationales du Niger, des émissions de sensibilisation et des lexiques sur les changements climatiques qui seront mis à la disposition des radios communautaires pour leur diffusion. Dans son discours d’ouverture de l’atelier, le Gouverneur de la région de Dosso, M. Abdoulaye Issa, a déclaré qu’à l’instar des autres pays, dont ceux du tiers-monde, «le Niger subit malheureusement les effets néfastes des changements climatiques».

Il a poursuivi en rappelant que dans sa Contribution prévue déterminée au niveau nationale (CPDN), soumise à la Convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCUNCC) à l’occasion de la 21ème Conférence des parties (COP) tenue à Paris (France) au mois de décembre dernier, «le Niger a retenu plusieurs actions d’atténuation et d’adaptation aux changements climatiques».

Parmi les actions d’atténuation, il a cité, entre autres, la séquestration du carbone ; l’aménagement durable des formations forestières ; l’amélioration du taux d’accès à l’électricité ; la réduction de la demande en bois énergie et la promotion des énergies renouvelables. S’agissant des actions d’adaptation, le Gouverneur Abdoulaye Issa a parlé, entre autres, de la restauration des terres agro-sylvo-pastorales ; de la régénération naturelle assistée ; de la fixation des dunes, l’aménagement des forêts naturelles ; de la plantation des haies vives et des espèces à usages multiples, ainsi que de la promotion de la foresterie privée.

Il a indiqué qu’au vu de toutes ses actions, le Niger «n’est pas resté les bras croisés face au phénomène des changements climatiques qui mobilise tous les pays du monde», même s’il a reconnu que «tous les efforts déjà accomplis et ceux à venir n’auront de véritables impacts que si les populations, notamment celles vivant en milieu rural et qui subissent directement les conséquences des changements climatiques, ne prennent véritablement conscience des dangers de ce phénomène».C’est pourquoi le Gouverneur Abdoulaye Issa a salué l’initiative du RJES qui, a-t-il expliqué, «est d’autant plus porteuse que les radios communautaires sont très proches des populations, parce qu’elles sont non seulement installés dans des villages, mais aussi et surtout parce qu’elles diffusent dans les langues du terroir».

La formation a été assurée par deux experts du Secrétariat Exécutif du Conseil National de l’Environnement pour un Développement Durable (CNEDD), assurant le point focal national des trois Conventions post Rio, dont celle sur les Changements climatiques. Il s’agit de M. Gousmane Moussa de la division changements climatiques du CNEDD et de Mme Issa Hamsatou Kaïlou, chargée de communication et des relations publiques du CNEDD. Le premier a fait une présentation d’ensemble sur les changements climatiques, tandis que la seconde a axé sa communication sur les techniques d’élaboration des émissions radiophoniques sur les changements climatiques.

By Elias Ntungwe Ngalame

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania (PAMACC News) – Extreme droughts, floods and other climate challenges are leading to an increase in both the number and intensity of disasters all over the world and in Africa in particular. Countries in the Sahel regions in Africa are worst affected, experts have revealed.

Participants at a technical meeting in the 6th Africa Water Week in Dar es Salam on July 19, 2016, agreed early warning systems adapted to the realities of different countries will help governments cope with the huge climate challenges plaguing Africa.

 “African countries are barely able to cope with the massive climate challenges, but we think the institution of early warning systems adapted to the realities of each country is cardinal,” noted Mohamed Gilla of the Lake Chad Basin Commission at the meeting.

He said combining local and expert knowledge in addressing the challenges will yield more fruitful results.

“While expert knowledge with innovations is a key driver, the use of local and indigenous knowledge cannot be left out,” Mohamed said.

Convened by UNESCO and Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institution, the event focused on the theme “Early warning systems for water extremes and climate change information in Africa.”

Panelists highlighted ongoing tools and methodologies in addressing floods, droughts and other water related climate disasters in Africa and suggested ways of improving on them.
One of the key elements in any early warning system it was agreed is communication of the right information and training.

“Getting the right information to the relevant target audience is capital. Also of no less importance is capacity building of both the indigenous population and the experts,” the panelists noted.

Extreme climate affects agriculture dependent livelihoods, thus building and improving the capacities of farmers on early warning intricacies and techniques will help them better stand the challenges experts said.

Use of local knowledge and resource persons
The creation and training of a committee of local volunteers to assists regularly in activities to improve on existing warning systems such as measurement of water level of rivers, streams and sending on the data for analysis to existing weather forecasting centers was also highlighted.

Networking with local resource persons and knowledge has yielded positive results in early warning methodologies in many countries in Africa, experts said.
“If there are any irregularities, these local vigilant committees inform the first-aiders in the villages, who warn people via local radio and phones if a disaster is imminent. In the event of flooding, they help to evacuate the villagers to higher ground,” said Obrigada Joana of Waternet Trust in a presentation at the meeting.

 In many countries where such local organization exist like the case of Mozambique, these early local committees are an important step in adapting to climate change, she revealed.
Expert however agree the use of early warning technologies like weather forecast centers have their limitations given that climate science is not exact science with stated formula.
Countries in the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zones for example,witness  intense thunderstorms around the equator where the trade winds from both hemispheres meet frequently. They thus experience heavy showers and thunderstorms which develop and dissipate very suddenly.
 In the tropics, the weather systems are largely driven by prevailing winds whereby small changes in the wind speed and direction can result in significant changes in weather. The problem is compounded because winds near the equator are generally quite light and variable, and thus more difficult to predict, experts explained.
In Chad for example wrong signals of predicted heavy winds in 2010 caused state authorities to close down the use of the airport for over a week causing the state heavy loss as the winds never came.

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