YAOUNDE, Cameroon (PAMACC News) - Environment experts are touting the REDD+process as one of the most promising opportunities to address the most compelling challenges of climate change in Africa.
However the question by stakeholders on the accessibility of REDD+ finance at scale if countries deliver on their promises and how capacity building will be supported to address expectations from it, lingers on.
It is against this backdrop that the African Forest Forum (AFF) and the UN-REDD Programme are co-organizing an innovative four-week long Community of Practice (CoP) approach, “to catalyze a good understanding of REDD+ finance types and sources, as well enhance knowledge of the result-based financing architecture including carbon markets and associated standards, Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, other financial instruments supporting the REDD+ process in Africa,” says a press statement from AFF.
The CoP approach that will run from 15 April to 10May, 2024 accordingly, will integrating both web-based discussion and a series of webinars on the theme “Unlocking sustainable solutions for effective REDD+ Result Based finance in Africa.”
The discussions are expected to bring to fruition the exigencies of designing REDD+ Strategies with a wide national lens and efforts to acquire financing, according to the release.
“It will help to explore opportunities to support countries in deepening their engagement with forest carbon markets, that could contribute to harnessing carbon finance as part of their National climate Action strategy.It aims to ensure a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the critical dimension of REDD+ process and finance, stimulate experience sharing among community members, invited guest speakers and experts. The sharing of country and experiences and learning from other members of the community will better improve understanding of the REDD+ process” the release stated.
According to UN REDD+, many countries in the Africa have made tireless efforts to integrate REDD+ into their National planning policy and financing processes. Cote d’Ivoire, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia, among others, recognize investments in key sectors of the economy and the need to realign investments in these sectors to REDD+. Through an analytical mapping exercise related to land-use investments, Cote d’Ivoire has been able to re-align investments to REDD+. Ethiopia has positioned REDD+ in its Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) Strategy and Zambia has integrated REDD+ into the implementation matrix of its 7th National Development Plan.
The CoP discussions on REDD+ process accordingly will provide unprecedented opportunity to engage in dialogues at continental and national scale to weigh into what type of policies and measures based on the discussions around the drivers of forest changes, are needed within REDD+ Strategies and how these can be achieved.
Among other expectations, the discussions the release notes “will, enhance knowledge of the REDD+ process and the implementation status in Africa,improve understanding of the importance of REDD+ finance within the framework of the financial instruments for nature-based solutions to climate change,improve understanding of the REDD+ finance types and sources including public upfront finance and results-based finance,equip participants with knowledge of available forest carbon markets (compliance or voluntary),enhance understanding of different carbon schemes and standards (such as the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCBS), ART-TREES, LEAF process etc) as well as requirements including costs.”
The African Forest Forum is an association of individuals with a commitment to the sustainable management, wise use and conservation of Africa’s forest and tree resources for the socio-economic well-being of its peoples and for the stability and improvement of its environment.
It provides independent analysis and advice to national, regional and international institutions and actors, on how economic, food security and environmental issues can be addressed through the sustainable management of forests and trees.
African environment activists have called on the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6), underway in Nairobi, Kenya, to order the global industry to turn the tide on the menace of solid waste, mainly plastic pollution and hazardous agrochemicals.
According to Philip Kilonzo, a Nairobi-based environment activist and a smallholder dry-land farmer, several groundbreaking resolutions have been made since UNEA-1. Still, there has never been any global commitment to ensure that they are implemented.
“A good example is the declaration to end the use of disposable plastic materials issued at UNEA 5.2,” said Kilonzo. “But what have we achieved? On average, African countries have made quite progressive commitments, and actions are evident in countries like Kenya and Rwanda. But countries like Korea are headed in the opposite direction, with plastic bags being used to wrap everything, including oranges and bananas.
He added: “Most of the plastics end up in oceans, and since oceans have no boundaries, they transport them to countries that are making efforts to abide by international rules.”
Integrated approaches for a water-secure world
So far, the 2024 UNEA will push for implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, advancing integrated approaches for a water-secure world, and going for responsible mining and sustainable mineral and metal use.
The assembly will also seek action on advancing cooperation concerning nutrients, especially phosphorus, reviewing climate-altering technologies and measures, and aligning the financial system for sustainability.
However, African activists feel that agriculture should have been one of the major factors, considering this year’s theme; ‘effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.’
According to Dr Million Belay, the Coordinator for the Alliance for Food Sovereignty for Africa (AFSA), agriculture is one of the main sources of environmental degradation and pollution globally. “As a continent, we need to shift towards sustainable agriculture, heal our soils which synthetic fertilizers have acidifed, move away from agrochemicals, some of which have been banned for use in their countries of origin,” he said.
Unacceptable risks to human health and the environment
A report released in 2023 by Route to Food Initiative (RTFI), a program of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, confirms that African countries are being used as dumping grounds for some of the most hazardous agrochemicals.
The report titled Toxic Business: Highly Hazardous Pesticides in Kenya revealed that almost half of the pesticides used in Kenya (44 percent) of the total volume are already banned in the European Union due to their unacceptable risks to human health and the environment.
So far, the country’s Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) is reviewing the status of some active ingredients on selected pesticides considered Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) for phased withdrawal by December 2024.
Unique platform for decisions and new ideas
“The world has reached the peak, and we must change the mode of production and consumption and address climate change comprehensively,” said Dr Mithika Mwenda, the Executive Director of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance.
“The delegates should reflect on all the resolutions and decisions made in the past five years to see how different countries have implemented them,” he added, noting that the assembly should develop a global framework for implementing the decisions and declarations.
UNEA, held in Nairobi every two years, is the highest decision-making body on environmental matters in the UN system. The assembly provides a unique platform for decisions and new ideas to chart a bold plan of collective environmental action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
NAIROBI, Kenya (PAMACC News) – KyoGreen, an online platform, which is a tool that helps calculate carbon footprint is the latest winner of the prestigious award for the Global Excellence and Innovation as announced at the Qatar Financial Expo 2024.
Hosted by Kyoto Network, a global leader in the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) arena, bringing together expertise in Environmental Management Systems (EMS), sustainability reporting, and market advisory services, KyoGreen allows users to quickly calculate their carbon footprint as well as the ability to offset it in the click of a button.
The platform allows both individuals and enterprises to seamlessly gauge their carbon footprint, invest in carbon offsets, and foster a harmonious relationship with the environment. With its cutting-edge solutions and intuitive design, KyoGreen equips its users with the means to make impactful decisions and engage in actions that promote environmental conservation.
"This global recognition is a testament to our team's relentless dedication and hard work,” said Sheraz Malik, the Founder and the Chief Executive Officer at the Kyoto Network. “It's a reflection of our collective effort to make a significant impact on sustainability practices worldwide," he added.
Malik noted that the honour not only celebrates KyoGreen as a pioneer in environmental leadership and sustainable business models but also aligns with Kyoto Network's mission to forge a sustainable future.
According to Amro Zakaria, the Middle East & Africa Director for Kyoto Network, the fight against climate change is no longer an option. "Achieving carbon neutrality is no longer optional but a crucial component of any future-proof business strategy. It's about building resilience and staying relevant in a world where sustainability is at the forefront," he said.
The award was lauded by Suhair Alashqar, the CEO of AFAQ Group of Companies and the organizer of the Qatar Financial Expo. “We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Kyoto Network for their groundbreaking achievement in sustainability with their innovative carbon footprint and offsetting dashboard, KyoGreen,” she said.
“The (team’s) commitment to environmental stewardship sets a remarkable example for the industry and inspires us all to strive for a greener, more sustainable future," added Alashqar.
“As we are determined to spearhead the movement towards environmental sustainability, we extend an open invitation to individuals and companies alike to join in this crucial endeavour to combat climate change,” said Malik
So far, a Swiss Company Climeworks has identified Kenya as a suitable site for a constructing a major carbon capture facility.
“As we move towards COP 29 later this year, we must have tangible solutions or techniques that will help us reduce the carbon emissions as envisioned by the Paris Agreement,” said Ben Lang, the East Africa Regional Project partner for Kyoto Network. “We are pleased to see Kenya taking the lead under the leadership of President William Ruto,” he noted
NAIROBI, Kenya (PAMACC News) – KyoGreen, an online platform, which is a tool that helps calculate carbon footprint is the latest winner of the prestigious award for the Global Excellence and Innovation as announced at the Qatar Financial Expo 2024.
Hosted by Kyoto Network, a global leader in the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) arena, bringing together expertise in Environmental Management Systems (EMS), sustainability reporting, and market advisory services, KyoGreen allows users to quickly calculate their carbon footprint as well as the ability to offset it in the click of a button.
The platform allows both individuals and enterprises to seamlessly gauge their carbon footprint, invest in carbon offsets, and foster a harmonious relationship with the environment. With its cutting-edge solutions and intuitive design, KyoGreen equips its users with the means to make impactful decisions and engage in actions that promote environmental conservation.
"This global recognition is a testament to our team's relentless dedication and hard work,” said Sheraz Malik, the Founder and the Chief Executive Officer at the Kyoto Network. “It's a reflection of our collective effort to make a significant impact on sustainability practices worldwide," he added.
Malik noted that the honour not only celebrates KyoGreen as a pioneer in environmental leadership and sustainable business models but also aligns with Kyoto Network's mission to forge a sustainable future.
According to Amro Zakaria, the Middle East & Africa Director for Kyoto Network, the fight against climate change is no longer an option. "Achieving carbon neutrality is no longer optional but a crucial component of any future-proof business strategy. It's about building resilience and staying relevant in a world where sustainability is at the forefront," he said.
The award was lauded by Suhair Alashqar, the CEO of AFAQ Group of Companies and the organizer of the Qatar Financial Expo. “We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Kyoto Network for their groundbreaking achievement in sustainability with their innovative carbon footprint and offsetting dashboard, KyoGreen,” she said.
“The (team’s) commitment to environmental stewardship sets a remarkable example for the industry and inspires us all to strive for a greener, more sustainable future," added Alashqar.
“As we are determined to spearhead the movement towards environmental sustainability, we extend an open invitation to individuals and companies alike to join in this crucial endeavour to combat climate change,” said Malik
So far, a Swiss Company Climeworks has identified Kenya as a suitable site for a constructing a major carbon capture facility.
“As we move towards COP 29 later this year, we must have tangible solutions or techniques that will help us reduce the carbon emissions as envisioned by the Paris Agreement,” said Ben Lang, the East Africa Regional Project partner for Kyoto Network. “We are pleased to see Kenya taking the lead under the leadership of President William Ruto,” he noted