Près d’une année près la signature, à Paris, d’un accord historique visant à limiter le réchauffement climatique, les 196 États acteurs des négociations sont réunis depuis lundi 7 novembre, à Marrakech (Maroc), pour la 22e conférence des Nations unies sur le climat (COP22). Objectif de cette COP22 : concrétiser les engagements pris l’an passé, à l’issue de la COP21.
Ce lundi 7 novembre 2016, la grande salle plénière des Nations unies a fait le plein. Ségolène Royal, ministre française de l’Environnement, de l’Energie et de la Mer, chargée des Relations internationales sur le climat, a eu l’honneur de déclarer l’ouverture officielle de la Conférence.
En sa qualité de présidente de la COP21, elle s’est réjouie du succès de l’édition précédente, saluant au passage la ratification de l’Accord de Paris par 100 pays à la date du 6 novembre 2016. « Nous avons rendu possible ce qui était dit impossible, avec obstination, sans jamais relâcher l’effort. C’est un moment historique dans l’humanité. Nous pouvons être fiers de notre travail », a indiqué Ségolène Royal.
Reste que de nombreux pays hésitent encore à signer le document. « Je lance un appel aux 96 pays qui n’ont pas encore ratifié l’Accord de Paris de le faire avant la fin de l’année 2016 », a plaidé la ministre française. Au passage, elle a exprimé un satisfecit pour l’engagement des pays africains : « dans ce combat contre le réchauffement climatique, les pays africains sont les plus mobilisés, créatifs et engagés. Ils inventent le monde de demain avec le plan de l’Union africaine de produire de 50% des énergies renouvelables à l’horizon 2030. » Et Ségolène Royal d’ajouter : « J’en profite donc pour demander la justice climatique pour l’Afrique. C’est là que se trouve la priorité et l’espérance ».
Pour Salaheddine Mezouar, ministre des Affaires étrangères du Maroc, à qui revient de porter le flambeau de la COP22, il existe désormais un « contexte porteur d’espoir et d’attente pour l’ensemble de l’humanité, dont des pans entier souffrent au quotidien ». La prise de conscience est collective : il faut apporter des réponses tangibles au plan climatique.
« Il nous appartient d’être à la hauteur de ce défi planétaire. +Le soleil n’ignore pas un village parce qu’il est petit+ », a poursuivi le ministre en citant un proverbe africain. « La mobilisation inédite et la volonté politique exprimée au plus haut niveau ont été couronnées par l’entrée en vigueur de l’Accord de Paris. C’est une avancée inédite, accomplie. Il nous faut capitaliser sur ce dynamise par le biais de décisions orientées vers la mise en œuvre », a soutenu Salaheddine Mezouar.
Si la COP21 de Paris a débouché sur un accord qui engage les pays, la COP22 à Marrakech doit faire place à l’action, aux dires du chef de la diplomatie marocaine. Pour ce faire, son pays propose la création d’une plate-forme de plusieurs pays afin d’accompagner la mise en forme des engagements pris, il y a un an. Pour parvenir à cet objectif, le royaume chérifien entend favoriser un dialogue ouvert avec toutes les parties prenantes.
« Nous devons œuvrer à renforcer les mécanismes. Il doit intervenir à tous les niveaux, des petits projets aux grands, transcendant les frontières dans le cadre de partenariats gagnant-gagnant. Et puis, ce n’est pas un simple changement qu’il nous faut. Il faut également un changement civilisationnel, il nous faut aujourd’hui mettre en avant les modèles de développement innovants à même de transformer toutes les économiques, du Nord et du Sud. Nous devrons faire montre de transparence », a plaidé le ministre Mezouar.
Une idée que partage Patricia Espinoza, secrétaire exécutive de la conférence des parties (acronyme en anglais UNFCCC « Travaillons de concert rapidement et sur tous les fronts. Les ressources financières sont disponibles, mais ne sont pas suffisantes. Alors, les contributions nationales doivent être intégrées aux politiques nationales. Ensemble nous pouvons faire de la COP de Paris une réalité ».
Delegates from 196 countries today held up solar lanterns in a show of solidarity symbolising the transformation to clean technology which is essential to achieve the Paris Agreement goals.
This took place as the 22nd Conference of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol under the United Nations Framwork Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) began this morning in Marrakech, Morocco.
The solidarity show was at the behest of Morocco’s Foreign Minister and newly-elected COP22 President Salaheddine Mezouar who underscored his country's willingness to host the conference as a demonstration of Africa's commitment to contributing to global efforts at tackling climate change.
“It emphasizes Africa’s desire to take its destiny in hand, to reduce its vulnerability and strengthen its resilience,” he said.
Together with Ségolène Royal, French Environment Minister and President of last year's Paris UN Climate Change Conference, Salaheddine Mezouar handed out solar lanterns to all delegates at the opening ceremony.
Ratifying Paris Agreement
Acknowledging that the fact that the Paris Agreement is yet to put the world on track towards the goal of a maximum global average temperature of 1.5 to 2 degrees, as agreed by the international community in Paris last year, COP President Mezouar urged government delegates “to be more ambitious than ever in your commitments.”
“All over the world, public opinion must perceive change. It has to be a change at all levels, from local projects through to those that cross international borders and it must create genuine win-win partnerships," he added.
In her last address before handing over the stewardship of the climate forum to her Moroccan counterpart, Ségolène Royal announced that 100 countries have ratified the Paris Agreement, which entered into force last Friday, a record time for an international treaty.
"We have made possible what everyone said was impossible, I therefore call on other nations to ratify the Paris agreement by the end of the year," said French environment minister.
UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Patricia Espinosa reasoned that whilst the early entry into force of the Paris Agreement is a clear cause for celebration, it is also a timely reminder of the high expectations that are now placed on governments:
“Achieving the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement is not a given. We have embarked on an effort to change the course of two centuries of carbon-intense development. The peaking of global emissions is urgent, as is attaining far more climate-resilient societies.”
Ms. Espinosa further underlined 5 key areas in which work needs to be taken forward and they are Nationally determined contributions, support for adaptation, capacity building, full engagement of non-party stakeholders from north and south, and the finance to allow developing countries to green their economies and build resilience.
The place of climate finance
According to the UN climate chief, climate finance has to reach the level and have the predictability needed to catalyse low-emission and climate-resilient development. This clearly resonates with African Development Bank’s plan to triple its climate financing to $5 billion per year by 2020.
President of the bank, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina believes that its game-changing plan, the High 5s carries the prospects of tacking the impact of climate change on agriculture and how agriculture fuels climate change through a multi-pronged approach.
The first priority, Light up and Power Africa also deals with climate finance, adaptation and low carbon development. The bank has committed to triple its climate finance to US$5 billion a year by 2020, including by leveraging more finance from climate funds,”Adesina says.
Amid growing alarm at the gathering pace of climate change and its impacts — rising seas, deadly storms, drought and wildfires — the world's nations have moved quickly over the last year to tackle the still-growing problem.
US election shadows
As 15,000 negotiators, CEOs and activists settle in for the 12-day talks in Marrakesh, all eyes are on the United States, where voting Tuesday could thrust Trump into the White House. When it comes to global warming, the stakes could hardly be higher, US President Barack Obama has warned.
"All the progress we've made on climate change" — including the Paris pact, decades in the making — "is going to be on the ballot," he said.
Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has vowed to uphold Obama's domestic energy policies and international climate commitments. Experts in Marrakesh say the Republican candidate cannot carry out his threat to "cancel" the still-fragile accord, but a Trump victory might cripple it.
"It would be a shock, and I hope we don’t see it," Laurence Tubiana, France's top climate negotiator declared. "But if Trump is elected, I am sure that Wednesday morning you will hear everyone at the COP say, 'We'll stick to the Paris Agreement'", she added.
Engaging Non-state stakeholders
Latching on the call made by the UNFCCC Executive Secretary on full engagement of non-state actors, the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) representing small holder farmers, trusts, pastoralists, women and youth from across Africa made public today their expectations for COP22.
Demanding acceleration on actions to address climate change with real, measurable actions and rhetoric, Secretary General of the Alliance, Mithika Mwenda urged delegates to provide a roadmap on the provision of adequate and predictable financial resources from developed country Parties to developing countries to enable them meet their commitments in their NDCs as stated in Article 9 of the Paris Agreement.
The civil society group also underlined the urgency in establishing a common and agreeable reporting and accounting framework for financial support to enhance transparency of actions and avoidance of double counting, and providing the required capacity building support to assist African Country Parties to meet their NDCs mitigation and adaptation commitments in the Agreement.
NAIROBI, Kenya (PAMACC News) - Experts drawn from different institutions under the umbrella of the Association of International Research and Development Centres for Agriculture (AIRCA) have commenced on a journey towards implementation of Sustainable Development Goal number 2 (SDG 2), which calls for diversification of agriculture and nutrition.
During the 21st session of negotiations on Climate Change – Conference of Parties (COP 21) in Paris, France last year, research leaders agreed on a Global Action Plan for Agricultural Diversification (GAPAD) to address sustainable development through agricultural diversification beyond only major crops.
However, Dr James Nyoro, an agricultural economist, formerly a Senior Food Security and Climate Change Advisor to the Presidency – Government of Kenya, has warned that such efforts will terribly fail, if there will be no political goodwill.
Nyoro told agriculture and nutrition experts during a roundtable event organized by CAB International in Nairobi that there is evidence to show that where the government takes the driver’s seat, and sets the agenda for agricultural development and transformation, there has always been a positive change.
“Majority of our governments today have no political goodwill for the agricultural transformation agenda,” said Nyoro. Unless that is addressed, he added, “We can hold these meetings until cows come back home,” he said.
He referred to a recent report released during the 2016 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), which showed that countries that adopted the policies promoted by the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) not long after it was created by African Union governments in 2003 saw productivity on existing farmlands rise by 5.9 to 6.7 percent per year.
By contrast, countries that sat on the sidelines saw farm productivity rise by less than 3 percent a year and Gross Domestic Product by just 2.2 percent, said the Africa Agriculture Status Report 2016.
It was in the same regard that Her Excellency Mrs Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, the Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture at the African Union Commission observed that key indicators of success and likely impact of GAPAD will be the number of countries that endorse the plan, along with the number that elect to develop a National Plan of Action for its implementation.
“The Paris Climate Agreement has given us a clear roadmap for sustainable development in the years to come, but without meaningful implementation on the ground, these goals will [only] remain aspiration in nature,” she said.
John Feakes, the Australian High Commissioner said that given the changing global climatic conditions, countries cannot afford to get it wrong. “Climate is changing, and it is posing significant challenge to achieving sustainable development,” said Feakes. “Many decisions being made today have long-term consequences and are sensitive to climate conditions – water, energy, agriculture, fisheries and forests, to name but a few. We simply can’t afford to get it wrong,” he told the experts at the GAPAD meeting.
Dr Dennis Rangi, Director General, Development, CAB International, noted that there was an immediate need to diversify and supplement the only four crops that feed the whole world.
“From over half a million plant species on the planet, we currently rely on wheat rice, maize and soybean for more than three-quarters of our food supply,” he said noting that the crops are grown in a limited number of exporting countries, usually as monocultures, and are highly dependent on inputs such as fertilisers and irrigation.
“With climate change, these crops alone cannot feed a hotter world. We need options for agricultural diversification that include a wider range of crops and cropping systems,” said Dr Rangi.
The forum brought together representatives from governments, research institutions, Nongovernmental organisations, and intergovernmental organisation.
NAIROBI, Kenya (PAMACC News) - Experts drawn from different institutions under the umbrella of the Association of International Research and Development Centres for Agriculture (AIRCA) have commenced on a journey towards implementation of Sustainable Development Goal number 2 (SDG 2), which calls for diversification of agriculture and nutrition.
During the 21st session of negotiations on Climate Change – Conference of Parties (COP 21) in Paris, France last year, research leaders agreed on a Global Action Plan for Agricultural Diversification (GAPAD) to address sustainable development through agricultural diversification beyond only major crops.
However, Dr James Nyoro, an agricultural economist, formerly a Senior Food Security and Climate Change Advisor to the Presidency – Government of Kenya, has warned that such efforts will terribly fail, if there will be no political goodwill.
Nyoro told agriculture and nutrition experts during a roundtable event organized by CAB International in Nairobi that there is evidence to show that where the government takes the driver’s seat, and sets the agenda for agricultural development and transformation, there has always been a positive change.
“Majority of our governments today have no political goodwill for the agricultural transformation agenda,” said Nyoro. Unless that is addressed, he added, “We can hold these meetings until cows come back home,” he said.
He referred to a recent report released during the 2016 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), which showed that countries that adopted the policies promoted by the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) not long after it was created by African Union governments in 2003 saw productivity on existing farmlands rise by 5.9 to 6.7 percent per year.
By contrast, countries that sat on the sidelines saw farm productivity rise by less than 3 percent a year and Gross Domestic Product by just 2.2 percent, said the Africa Agriculture Status Report 2016.
It was in the same regard that Her Excellency Mrs Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, the Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture at the African Union Commission observed that key indicators of success and likely impact of GAPAD will be the number of countries that endorse the plan, along with the number that elect to develop a National Plan of Action for its implementation.
“The Paris Climate Agreement has given us a clear roadmap for sustainable development in the years to come, but without meaningful implementation on the ground, these goals will [only] remain aspiration in nature,” she said.
John Feakes, the Australian High Commissioner said that given the changing global climatic conditions, countries cannot afford to get it wrong. “Climate is changing, and it is posing significant challenge to achieving sustainable development,” said Feakes. “Many decisions being made today have long-term consequences and are sensitive to climate conditions – water, energy, agriculture, fisheries and forests, to name but a few. We simply can’t afford to get it wrong,” he told the experts at the GAPAD meeting.
Dr Dennis Rangi, Director General, Development, CAB International, noted that there was an immediate need to diversify and supplement the only four crops that feed the whole world.
“From over half a million plant species on the planet, we currently rely on wheat rice, maize and soybean for more than three-quarters of our food supply,” he said noting that the crops are grown in a limited number of exporting countries, usually as monocultures, and are highly dependent on inputs such as fertilisers and irrigation.
“With climate change, these crops alone cannot feed a hotter world. We need options for agricultural diversification that include a wider range of crops and cropping systems,” said Dr Rangi.
The forum brought together representatives from governments, research institutions, Nongovernmental organisations, and intergovernmental organisation.